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Star Trek Universe
Das kostenfreie Browsergame in dem ihr uns finden könnt!

"Always burn your bridges behind you; you never know who might be trying to follow."
- Enabran Tain, (Improbable Cause)

Federation of Colonies
Kleine aber feine föderale Rassenallianz aus Star Trek Universe mit starker RP-Agenda.

"I'll go along on your fool's errant, but I want one thing to be perfectly clear.
I have no intention of sacrificing my life to save yours. If it looks like we're in danger of being captured, if there's any sign of trouble at all, you're on your own."
"Mr. Garak, I believe that's the first completely honest thing you've ever said to me."
"How perceptive of you, commander."
- Garak und Sisko, (Second Skin)

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